The Attractive Church Checklist
The Attractive Church Checklist (Increasing our friendship factor) #1 Making “welcoming” everybody’s business. The majority of congregations consider themselves very friendly and are never intentionally unfriendly or rude to those who might attend for the first time looking for a church home or that come searching for an answer to a spiritual need. But, if most new people do not come back a second time, then, maybe, we need to consider how we might revamp and improve our “friendship factor”. Socrates said: “An unexamined life is not worth living”. I have found that it is helpful, as a chruch leader, to regularly evaluate how we are doing in every area of ministry and make adjustments, if necessary, so as to remain effective for the cause of Christ. It is much easier to “tweak” something than wait till it has fallen apart. The Goal: That the whole congregation understand and practice that welcoming new people is everybody’s business. The Need: Ensure that our greeters...